CAT I, II, III Testing

CAT Testing


Strategic Environmental Testing utilizes top of the line testing equipment to identify CAT I, II, III water losses as well as bacteria and microbial counts for other inspection services. If you or business has experienced a water loss don’t let your insurance company determine the Category of the loss as many insurance companies will attempt to classify as a CAT I loss paying out the least amount of money to restore your home or business back to it’s original state. CAT II, and III water losses require more detailed cleaning and protocols to ensure all areas are properly cleaned and restored. The Hygiena Systemsure Plus is a highly advanced piece of testing equipment used in the Food and Beverage, Restaurant, Hospital, Pharmaceutical, and Janitorial/Sanitation industries to measure bacteria counts and contamination on surfaces where cleanliness is critical. The Hygiena Systemsure Plus measures the microbial contamination on surfaces in mere seconds giving you instant testing results. Strategic Environmental works with many Restoration and Industrial cleaning companies to ensure the project meets the standards set forth by the IICRC for water damage or sewer related losses.

Strategic Environmental Testing will work closely with our clients to determine affected areas and control points, design a testing protocol, as well as an action plan for ensuring the project is complete and meets the industry standards for proper cleaning and final results.
