If your home or business was built before 1978, you might be exposing yourself, family, or employees to toxic lead. It is recommended that testing be completed on homes and businesses up to 1980. The Federal Government banned the use of lead paint in 1978, however contractors may have had surplus that was still applied past that time. Strategic Environmental Testing can give you peace of mind by completing a full assessment of your home or business. We identify lead-based materials. We offer visual inspection and testing for lead paint or soil. Contact us for more information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of lead paint.
Why Test for Lead Based Paint
Older homes are notorious for having lead-based paint. Federal regulations state that homes before 1978 should be tested and a disclosure provided to new home buyers or building owners. Testing should also be done in the event any renovations are being completed, as disturbing lead can make lead-based paint chips or lead based paint dust airborne which then can be ingested. Lead inspections identify lead containing materials.
A single gram of lead-based paint can contaminate a large area. Paint containing lead can be extremely toxic, especially to infants and children whose immune system is more susceptible than adults. It also has been known to cause behavioral and intellectual difficulties, learning and attention deficit disorder, speech, language and behavior problems, nervous system and kidney damage and more. Also lead can have adverse effects on adults. High Blood Pressure, Fertility problems in men and Women, Digestive problems, nerve disorders, memory and concentration problems, sexual disorders, muscle and joint pain and more.
Lead does not always have obvious symptoms. Some we commonly experience include Headache, Stomachache, Irritability, Fatigue, Loss of Appetite, Joint and or muscle pain. Lead exposure causes permanent damage and is irreversible. It can affect children throughout their lives. Contact us for more information or a free quote on testing your home or business.